Now is the time to think about child safety issues, purchases and changes you will need to make to your home and environment to keep your baby or child safe as they grow. Visit the Kidsafe House for examples and more information.
Purchase or hire a current approved Australian Standards child restraint which is less than 10 years of age. The law states babies must travel in an approved child restraint or there is a fine of $225 and a loss of 3 demerit points. Organise to have the restraint fitted or checked to ensure this is done correctly.
Buy baby furniture products safe for kids and check safety features and standards on nursery furniture before purchasing.
Ensure your swimming pool, garden pond, open water tanks or other watering holes around the home are fenced in with safety gates where appropriate.
Devise a list of emergency numbers and keep them by the phone. Include your doctor, help lines and Poisons Information Centre (13 11 26).
Develop family emergency procedures and organise a fire safety exit plan. Install smoke detectors and heater guards.
Consider installing a tempering valve or tap covers to protect your family from hot water scalds. Ideally the delivery temperature should be 50oC. At just 60oC a baby can receive a full thickness burn in less than one second.