Safe Return to School
How drivers can reduce the risk of accidents to children arriving at school and leaving
Now that the kids are back at school, it’s important to remember the importance of safety going to and from school. This is everyone’s responsibility.
We want to remind drivers about slowing down around schools and school crossings. Kidsafe Tasmania fully supports the Governments LOVE 40 strategy and lowering of speed around schools is the most effective way to reduce the risk of accidents.
Crossing Guards
- Some crossings have crossing guards and Kidsafe asks drivers and pedestrians to respect and obey instructions given by the guards.
- Children respond to the instructions of the crossing guard and trust the signals given when it is safe to cross.
Safest places to park
It can be a good idea for parents to do a dry run to school, as it’s important to be familiar with the safest places to park and the safest places for kids to cross the road.
Tips for drivers :
- Always stop for a school crossing guard holding up a stop sign
- Take extra care to look out for children in school zones and in all residential areas where children are walking to school.
- Don't beep your horn or rev up your engine to scare a pedestrian, even if you have the right of way
- Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians in a school zone
- Children move quickly are not always aware of vehicles like adults
Road safety and pedestrian safety for 
kids going to school
Returning to school after being in lock down might be quite daunting for some young people, said Kidsafe Road Safety Manager Peter Gillon.
Here are some important things for you to know and somethings to share with your child about good road safety practise:
Up to 5 years old
Think about what your child can see. Their peripheral vision is still not fully developed.
- Remember they are a lot shorter than you and can see less on the road.
- Always hold their hand.
- Explain what you are doing when crossing the road.
- Do a practise run, especially if they are starting a new school or it is their first day at school.
- Get kids out of the car on the kerb side.
- Ask your teacher if the school teaches road safety.
From 5 to 9-year-old
- Always supervise your child near traffic, particularly when crossing the roads.
- Teach your child how to walk across roads safely. Children must first stop at the kerb. They need to look and listen for traffic, wait for vehicles to stop before deciding if it is safe to cross. (STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK)
- Make the trip to school together along the safest route and use safe crossing places as an example for your child to follow.
- Arrange for your child to be supervised on the way to and from school, and during or after school activities if you are unable to be there.
- Explain words like “fast”, “slow”, “near” and “far”. Talk about signs and traffic lights and the safe places to cross. Point out dangerous places and where not to cross- near curves and where things might hide children from view.
- Never call children from the other side of the road.
- Make sure children get in and out of the car on the kerb side door, that is all children across the back seat.
- Wearing clothes that can be seen when walking, such as high vis colours is best.
Bike helmet
- Children under 12 to ride on footpaths.
- Remember driveways are dangerous, look before crossing.
- Make sure their helmet fits properly.
- Do the push test. If the helmet can be pushed backwards and forwards it won’t protect them. The helmet is too big.
At Kidsafe we want parents and children to have practical advice to approach everyday life safely and reduce unintentional injury in young people.
Remember its not what their doing but what we are all doing to keep our children safe. School community relationships matter. Make sure your school community is working positively together. That’s why Kidsafe works so closely with schools and is there to help.
In 2014-15 transport injuries claimed the lives of 41 children aged 5-14 years and in addition 5,506 were admitted to hospital for injuries. AIHW (2018)
For further information contact Peter Gillon, Road Safety Manager
Kidsafe Tasmania Incorporated. M: 0407 692 403